Thursday, July 26, 2012


Utter joy of joys!

It rained after weeks of drought.

The dryness was hurting my brain.

Today, beautiful puddles are everywhere.

And in them, beautiful reflections.

Even one of me. See?

Brain all better now.



  1. Hooray for rain! Wet earth after rain is one of my most favorite smells.

  2. Are we going to see you dance? We too got just a "tease" to make us remember what rain is like. No where near enough to ease the drought:(

  3. We don't want anything to fry that beautiful mind.
    It took me a while to realize that all the pics are of puddle reflections. They are amazing. You are so clever!

  4. Just like Terri, I had to pause for a moment, particularly with the "Notice" sign. Wait. Did she invert this on purpose? Is it a shot of the sign through a heavy rain?

    I hope you went puddle stomping. Nothing says exuberance than stomping in puddles.

  5. We've been blessed this year - we had one dry spell that made our grass crunchy but we've been blessed with loads of rain before that spell and since that spell.

  6. Oh, my grass is crunching underfoot and my flowers are looking so stressed. I hope your rain comes here next!

  7. These pictures are great! It took me a minute to figure out what I was looking at. Love them!!

  8. Ah, refreshing rain! Glad you got some. Love the black and white photos, especially the one with your reflection in the puddle. Lovely. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  9. as a former texan, i feel your joy. nothing quite like mother nature dropping her liquid gold by the bucketful!


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