Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Under Pressure

Queen Anne's Lace grows rampant in the field behind our house. I've been meaning to do something fun with these pretty white umbels for a dog's age. The other morning, I finally traipsed out with my bag and trusty pair of scissors, and went all Edward Scissorhands on the place. It took a good half-minute to gather up some stems for pressing.

I have a couple ideas for these pressed beauties, but I'm still waiting for them to dry... I'm pressing them the old fashion way. Books! It will be a little while yet...

In the meantime, if you'd like to join me in my crafty Queen Anne's lace experiment, here are a few excellent flower pressing tutorials to get you started:

How to Press a Flower at Tinkerlab
Microwave pressed flower tutorial at Modest Maven

Have yourself a low-pressure day!



  1. In the past I used to press flowers....
    Excited to learn more about your project. Queen Ann's lace brings so many sweet memories...

  2. I love queen anne's lace, especially embroidering them into little scenes with dainty white french knots. Have fun with your pressing!

  3. I used to press flowers and QAL always turned out super cool...

  4. Somewhere I have an old sketchbook full of pressed Queen's Anne Lace - my favorite wildflower since childhood. I will look for it and see what I can do with them.

  5. Queen Anne's Lace always reminds me of summer camp. We didn't have much of it along the Gulf Coast, but it was everywhere in N AL where I went o summer cap as a kid. Every year, I'd come home with pressed Queen Anne's Lace! Fond memories!

  6. Waoo..so cool..what an awesome beauty ...I love them specially in red rose bouquets :) thanks for sharing the links to the tutorials :)

  7. I look forward to seeing what you do with these. I used to press flowers in my books all the time when I was little and then forget and find them ages later as I opened the book. It was always a pleasant surprise!

  8. I will try to wait patiently for the result(s).

  9. They look beautiful the way you laid them out on the table. I can't wait to see what you do with them.

  10. Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Bee Craft Inspirations, under the Page 1 post on Aug. 20, 2012. Thanks again.


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